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imperfect perfect action

disciplined practice

circle of togetherness

Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be lonely

What if you could share your entrepreneurship journey with
a circle of like-minded entrepreneurs

 • Support you emotionally

• Spar with you mentally 

• Spur you on physically?

An Ensō Circle is a local community group of 4-6 entrepreneurs

who meet on a regular basis

to work on your respective business ideas
to learn from experienced members
to share the triumphs and trials of entrepreneurship







Why Ensō?

The Ensō (円相 in Japanese) is a circle that is hand-drawn in one uninhibited brushstroke to express a moment when the mind is free to let the body create.

Symbolizing self-discipline, strength, unity, simplicity, and creative freedom, the Ensō Circle embodies the very qualities that entrepreneurs learn to embrace.

Most of all, the Ensō Circle is imperfectly perfect.

It reminds entrepreneurs that imperfect action is more important than perfect inaction.

Welcome to the Enso Circle of Entrepreneurs

The Ensō Difference

What makes an Ensō Circle different from a co-working space or start-up incubator?

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Ensō CIRCLES At Work

Ensō Circles can be held at homes, offices, community spaces.
Many Ensō Circles meet monthly for 3 hours, typically on weekends when you can free your mind from daily distractions. 

A Typical Ensō Meeting

What happens in a typical Ensō meeting?

While every meeting and every Circle is different, here’s what you can expect:

• Round-table Updates from each member

• Reaffirmation of your “Why” you chose this entrepreneur journey

• Learning from the next module in the Ensō Guide (led by an experienced member or invited expert)

• Application to your business (self-work)

• Sharing and mutual Sparring 

• Development of your next 30-day Action Plan 

• Reaffirm your commitment to Imperfect Perfect action over inaction  

Start Your Ensō Circle 

Ready to start your own Ensō Circle?

Send an email to to receive your free Starter Kit